Thursday, May 14, 2009

Drinking Water, Preventing Flu, and Zeta Potential

Excerpt of an article:

The blood is 80 percent water thus hydration levels are extremely important in blood chemistry. Moderate dehydration, a 3-5% decrease in body weight due to fluid loss is sufficient to result in a substantial decrease in strength and endurance because of the decrease in oxygen carrying capacity of the blood signaling a drop in Zeta potential. Proper hydration is thus the most basic preventative medicine against death from any type of flu.

So drinking enough water, keeping specific conductivity low (high, electro-negative Zeta Potential) will increase your strength and endurance due to an increase in oxygen. Sounds familiar?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Very Expensive Pee . . .You've Learned The Secret

In chiropractic school I had a teacher from Mexico who had both his Medical Doctor and Chiropractic Doctor degrees.

He often talk about how the Americans had the most expensive pee in the world, taking a bunch of supplements for everything under the sun.

With this recent exercise of measuring the Specific Conductivity you now know whether or not the supplements you are taking are in fact staying in your body.

Remember the 12,000 microsiemens number (reading 12.00 on the meter)? This number represents the approximate limit to what the blood can hold. Any higher number shows that the blood has maxed out its carry capacity and is dumping the rest into the kidneys and then into the urine.

So if you not drinking a lot of water and/or a dispersing solution (which allows you to hold a lot more particles in the blood) those expensive supplements are going down the toilet with readings over 12,000 microsiemens (reading 12.00 on the meter).

Maybe that could be one reason why people feel better, stronger, and brighter, is that the nutrients, supplements, etc. are being effectively delivered to the rest of the body and not being literally "pissed away".


Hello again,

After one week of the Zeta Potential Study, the effects are starting to show. I do feel more awake but i wouldnt say i feel stronger. I do see and have noted weight loss, keep in mind that I have not changed my diet or excersize at all. I surf 2-3 times a week and also cycle 1-4 times a week riding an average of 30-50 miles per ride. Im not big on fast food or sweets and i try to eat freash foods as much as possable. I do control my intake of food depending on what activity i doing that day. Also, i do not eat 3 meals a day except on the days that I go cycling.

For some reason I dont need as much food when i surf as i do when i cycle. my caloric intake goes from about 2000 calories on normal days, cycling days to 6-7000, and 2-3500 on surfing days. it could be because i spend allot of time sitting out in the line up waiting for waves as opposed to pedaling my bike for hours at a time. so what does this have to do with the study?

well since i have been taking the zeta solution i have noticed a few documentable things. First it takes me less then 2 hours to do a 50 mile bike ride. What that means is i have incressed my average mph to 26-27 mph, and a top sprint speed of 48 mph. Before the study i was at 24-25 mph, and a top sprint speed of 44-45 mph. I know that it sounds minimal but gaining 1-2 mph without doing any additional training is unheard of. Also at that speed, wind resistance becomes a factor. I wont go into the specifics of Aerodynamic efficiancy, but wind drag is the greatest barrier to a bicyclist's speed. For example here i have some relative numbers:

Rider velocity:27 mph
Wind velocity:8 mph
Rider body weight: 180lbs (my weight)
Grade of ride: 0-1 (flat)

The relative velocity: 15.6464 Meters/sec or 35 mph
The drag: 32.202657 Newtons
Power to maintain velocity: 503.85566 Watts or 7.2 Calories per minute

This is what i have some how overcome by drinking "zeta water". I did say that I dont feel stronger, so could this be my bodys normal potential that was blocked for some reason? im not exerting myself in anyway yet my numbers go up. Well as fasinating as this may be thats all for now, i'll see if these numbers hold till next weeks blogg.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Some Great Feedback and Suggestion . . .

I had a great question asked regarding this zeta potential study:

"How do I know this stuff is working?"

At which point I went off describing concepts, etc. But I really didn't answer the question.

What was being asked was really very simple, with a very simple suggestion. That is, why didn't we measure our readings before we started on the study - so we could see how we were without the benefit (or detriment) of the dispersing solution.

Brilliant really, establishing a baseline set of readings would really show the difference between using the ideas of drinking probably more water than most people are use to and as well as using the dispersing solution.

Great suggestion for the future - perhaps you can do a few days without the zeta protocol and back to the "normal" ways before this experiment to see what your readings might have been (though changes have already been made - hydration, detoxification, for example).

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Info on Acid / Alkaline pH Article

The pH Nutrition Guide to
Acid / Alkaline Balance

A NaturalNews Special
Report by Jack Challem

The basic chemistry of pH balance

Back in high school
chemistry, we learned about pH: acids had low numbers, alkalines had
high numbers, and a pH of 7.0 was neutral. And it all meant
absolutely nothing in terms of day-to-day life.

It now turns
out that we have a better shot at long-term health if our body's pH
is neutral or slightly alkaline. When we tilt toward greater acidity,
which can be measured easily, we have a greater risk of developing
osteoporosis, weak muscles, heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease,
and a host of other health problems.

The solution, according
to scientists who have researched "chronic low-grade metabolic
acidosis," is eating a diet that yields more alkaline and less
acid. Just what kind of diet is that? One that's high in fruits and
vegetables. That might not seem like a big surprise, except for a few
unexpected twists and turns.

Acid-yielding foods deplete minerals

If the idea of
balancing acid and alkaline foods seems a bit off the wall, it does
have a somewhat checkered past. Most people, including physicians,
aren't familiar with the dangers of acidosis, except in the most
extreme situations. Those include lactic acidosis, from overexercise;
ketoacidosis, when diabetes start burning their own fat; and renal
acidosis, which can be a sign of kidney failure.

The original
scientific research on acid-yielding and alkaline-yielding foods
dates back to 1914 and was remarkably accurate, according to Loren
Cordain, Ph.D., a professor and researcher in the department of
health and exercise science at Colorado State University, Fort
Collins. Then, in the 1930s and 1940s, the acid-alkaline concept was
hijacked by early health food "nuts." Among them, William
Hay, M.D., proposed an almost ritualistic eating habit based on food
acidity or alkalinity. Since then, most doctors have viewed any
discussion of acid and alkaline diets with a skeptical eye.

the problem with acid-producing eating habits is very real, contends
Cordain, a leading expert on the Paleolithic, or Stone Age diet.
"After digestion, all foods report to the kidneys as being
either acidic or alkaline," he says. "The kidneys are
responsible for fluid balance and maintaining a relatively neutral pH
in the body."

That's where things get interesting. When
acid-yielding foods lower the body's pH, the kidneys coordinate
efforts to buffer that acidity. Bones release calcium and magnesium
to reestablish alkalinity, and muscles are broken down to produce
ammonia, which is strongly alkaline. By the time the response is all
over, your bone minerals and broken down muscle get excreted in

Long term, excess acidity leads to thinner bones and
lower muscle mass, points out Anthony Sebastian, M.D., of the
University of California, San Francisco. These problems are
compounded by normal aging, which increases acidosis, bone loss, and
muscle wasting. Along the way, calcium and magnesium losses can
equate to deficiencies, with many ramifications. Both minerals play
essential roles in bone formation and normal heart rhythm. Low
magnesium levels can cause muscle cramps, arrhythmias, and anxiety.

The four cases of dietary acidosis

Sebastian, regarded at
the top researcher in the field of diet-related acidosis, admits that
some of the science, at first glance, appears counter-intuitive. For
example, acidic and alkaline foods don't usually translate into acid-
and alkaline-yielding foods. The distinction is subtle but
significant. An acid-yielding food is one that creates a lower, or
more acidic, pH. Citrus fruits and tomatoes are acidic, but they have
a net alkaline yield once their constituents get to the kidneys.

if acid foods don't necessarily make for an acid pH, what then
happens? Sebastian points to four big issues.

• First,
fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium salts, a natural buffer.
Eating few of these foods deprives us of potassium, a mineral that
protects against hypertension and stroke. According to Cordain's
research, humans evolved eating a 10:1 ratio of potassium to sodium,
and he regards this ratio as our biological baseline. Today, because
of heavily salted processed and fast foods, combined with a low
intake of fruits and vegetables, the ratio is now 3:1 in favor of
sodium. That reversal, he says, wreaks havoc with pH and our
dependency on potassium.

• Second, there has also been a
similar reversal in the consumption of naturally occurring
bicarbonate (such as potassium bicarbonate) in foods and added
chloride (mostly in the form of sodium chloride, or table salt).
Bicarbonate is alkaline, where as chloride is acid-yielding. Chloride
also constricts blood vessels, and narrows blood vessels reduce
circulation, Sebastian says. Because the whole body depends on
healthy circulation, vasoconstriction contributes to heart disease,
stroke, dementia, and probably every other degenerative disease.

Third, eating large amounts of animal protein (including meat, fowl,
and seafood) releases sulfuric acid though the metabolism of
sulfur-containing amino acids, also contributing to greater acidity.
This acidic shift can be offset with greater consumption of fruits
and vegetables (rich in potassium bicarbonate), but again, most
Americans eat these foods sparingly.

• Fourth, grains,
such as wheat, rye, and corn, have a net acid-yielding effect,
regardless of whether they are in the form of white bread, breakfast
cereal, pasta or whole grains. "Grains are the most frequently
consumed plant food in the United States," says Sebastian, and
account for 65 percent of the plant foods eaten by Americans. "In
addition to their acid yield, grains displace more nutritious fruits
and vegetables," he adds.

"The real problem is one
of alkaline deficiency, more than one of too much acid," says
Sebastian. People eat plenty of acid-yielding animal protein, dairy
products, and grains. The missing piece is an appreciate amount of
fruits and vegetables, to produce an alkaline yield. Study after
study has shown that most Americans -- 68 to 91 percent -- don't eat
the five recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables.

pH, acidosis and osteoporosis

The strongest
evidence in support of maintaining an acid-alkaline balance relates
to osteoporosis. "Consider that Americans consume more
calcium-rich dairy foods than almost every other nation, and we have
one of the highest rates of osteoporosis," says Cordain.
"There's a disconnect here. Dairy may be rich in calcium, but
most dairy foods also produce an acid yield."

Brown, Ph.D., who heads the nonprofit Osteoporosis Education Project
in East Syracuse, N.Y., frames the acid-alkaline issue as one of
mineral adequacy and depletion. "It's a little like over-farming
and depleting mineral levels in soil," she says. "If we eat
foods that create an acidic pH in the body, we will deplete our bones
of minerals and our muscles of protein.

Brown described a
client named Janet whose doctor diagnosed her at age 52 with
osteopenia, a demineralizing of bone that often foreshadows
osteoporosis. At 55, Janet began following Brown's recommendations
for eating more fruits and vegetables, taking supplements, and
exercising. Three years later, Janet was clearly building bone mass
in her spine and hip, even while going through menopause.

Sebastian acknowledges that he may have only scratched the surface
when it comes to the health problems related to mild life-long
acidosis. He says low-grade acidosis increases insulin resistance,
the hallmark of both prediabetes and full-blown type-2 diabetes. It
increases the risk of kidney stones and kidney failure. And one study
suggests that it might even alter gene activity and raise the risk of
breast cancer. He admits that no one yet knows all the consequences
of a fundamental shift in the body's acid-alkaline balance, but he
suspects it's far reaching.

Can supplements help?

Millions of women
dutifully take calcium supplements to help maintain their bone mass
and reduce their chances of developing severe osteoporosis with age.
But do supplements have any real benefit in alkalizing the

Brown does see a benefit from supplements, but she says
it's important to stem calcium and magnesium losses from
acid-yielding eating habits. "Acid-alkaline balance is
overwhelmingly a food issue," she emphasizes. "Your pH is
really a sign of how your body is managing your mineral

Potassium has turned out to be a crucial
mineral for maintaining bone. High-potassium diets -- that is, those
rich in fruits and vegetables -- slow bone loss, mainly by promoting
alkalinity. So do supplements, such as potassium citrate and
bicarbonate. While potassium citrate is commonly sold, the
bicarbonate form is available only on prescription. Still, it's hard
for supplements to compete with the potassium in foods. A handful of
raisins, two dates, or a small banana each provide more than 300 mg
of potassium.

If you take supplements, opt for the citrate
form, such as calcium citrate and magnesium citrate. (Potassium
supplements must by law be under 99 mg because of a risk of
arrhythmias at high doses.) Fumarate, aspartate, and succinate forms
of minerals also have an alkalizing effect, and all get Brown's
blessing. In one study, Sebastian found that potassium citrate
supplements protected against calcium losses, even when people ate a
high salt diet. Buffered vitamin C, which is ascorbic acid formulated
with the carbonate forms of calcium, magnesium, and potassium, might
also have a slight alkalizing effect.

Some supplements, such
as coral calcium, have been promoted as a way to restore an alkaline
pH. But coral calcium is largely calcium carbonate, which is far less
expensive as a generic supplement. It's also not as well absorbed as
the citrate form.

What should you eat for proper pH levels?

recommendations are as varied as political and religious beliefs and,
sometimes, held to just as stridently. Cordain tries to rise about
the controversies by looking to our biological and genetic heritage.

He points out that people, until relatively recently, were
hunter-gatherers whose diets consisted of a combination of lean
animal foods (including fish) and uncultivated vegetables and fruits.
Based on his analyses of the diets of 229 pre-modern cultures,
Cordain has calculated that the "average" ancient diet
consisted of 55 percent animal foods and 45 percent plant foods. The
animal foods included healthy fats as well as protein, and the plant
foods consisted of leaves, stalks, fruit, seeds, tubers, and roots.
Grains and cow's milk didn't enter the picture until about 7,000 to
10,000 years ago, too short a time for genetic adaptation.

recommendations, found in The Paleo Diet and The Paleo
Diet for Athletes
include too many veggies to be a knockoff of
the Atkins' high-protein diet. (Eating very lean meats, he adds,
reduces saturated fats amount to only 10 percent of calories.) Nor do
you have to be a vegetarian to gain the alkalizing benefits of fruits
and vegetables. "It takes about 35 percent of total calories as
fruits and veggies to produce a net alkaline load," he explains.
"What's so hard about one-third of your plate being

Still, if you have visions of veggies coming
out of your ears, the answer is really simple. Cordain, Sebastian,
and Brown suggest cutting back on breads, pastas, and other
grain-based foods, as well as "high-glycemic" foods such as
potatoes. They're all nutrient-poor foods, compared with protein and

"It's all another scientific justification for
what your mother always told you," notes Brown. "Eat your
fruits and veggies."

How to test your own pH

You can test your own
pH simply and inexpensively. All you need are some pH test strips.
Tear off two three-inch strips. As you as you awaken, before you
drink or eat anything, put some saliva on the test strip. Compare the
color to a pH color chart that comes with the test strips. Next,
measure the pH of your second urination of the morning. To
do this, urinate on the strip or collect the urine in a plastic or
glass (not paper) cup and dip the test strip. Again, compare the
color to the pH color chart.

Decker Weiss, N.M.D., of
Scottsdale, Arizona, recommends doing the saliva and urine tests for
10 mornings in a row. "Ignore the top three and bottom three
tests because they're extremes. Average the remaining four to
determine your pH," he says. Weiss aims for a pH of 6.8 to 7 in
his heart patients, and 7.2 to 7.4 in his osteoporosis patients. You
can retest a few weeks after changing your eating habits.

can order the test strips from
or by calling 888.206.7119. One roll, which is good for a few dozen
tests, is $13.95.

The pH of common substances

14.0 Sodium Hydroxide:
13.0 Lye
11.0 Ammonia
10.5 Milk of Magnesia
Baking Soda
7.4 Human Blood

7.0 Pure Water: Neutral

Milk: Acid
4.5 Tomatoes
4.0 Wine and Beer
3.0 Apples
2.0 Lemon Juice
1.0 Battery Acid
0.0 Hydrochloric

Acid-Yielding Foods
While rice
Rye bread
White bread

Very Acid-Yielding

Parmesan cheese
Processed (soft) cheeses
Gouda cheese
Cottage cheese
Brown rice
Whole wheat bread
meat, canned



Mineral water

Alkaline-Yielding Foods


All fruits and vegetables are alkaline yielding, unless they have
been pickled or marinated.

Scientific Citations

Rylander R, Remer T,
Berkemeyer S, et al. Acid-base status affects renal magnesium losses
in healthy, elderly persons. Journal of Nutrition,

Frassetto L, Morris RC, Sellmeyer DE, et
al. Diet, evolution and aging. The pathophysiologic effects of the
post-agricultural inversion of the potassium-to-sodium and
base-to-chloride ratios in the human diet. European Journal of
, 2001;40:200-213.

Sebastian A, Frassetto LA,
Morris RC. The acid-base effects of the contemporary Western diet: an
evolutionary perspective. Eds: Alpern RJ and Heber SC, in The
Kidney: Physiology and Pathophysiology
, 9th edition. In

Patterson BH, Block G, Rosenberger WF, et al. Fruit and
vegetables in the American diet: data from the NHANES II survey.
American Journal of Public Health, 1990;80:1443-9.

Li R,
Serdula M, Bland S, et al. Trends in fruit and vegetable consumption
among adults in 16 US states: behavioral risk factor surveillance
system, 1990-1996.

Menendez JA, Decker JP, Lupu R. In support
of fatty acid synthase (FAS) as a metabolic oncogene: extracellular
acidosis acts in an epigenetic fashion activating FAS gene expression
in cancer cells. Journal of Cell Biochemistry,

Macdonald HM, New SA, Fraser WD, et al. Low
dietary potassium intakes and high dietary estimates of net
endogenous acid production are associated with low bone mineral
density in premenopausal women and increased markers of bone
resorption in post menopausal women. American Journal of Clinical
, 2005;81:923-933.

Sebastian A, Harris ST,
Ottaway JH, et al. Improved mineral balance and skeletal metabolism
in postmenopausal women treated with potassium bicarbonate. New
England Journal of Medicine
, 1994;330:1776-1781.

DE, Schloetter M, Sebastian A. Potassium citrate prevents increased
urine calcium excretion and bone resorption induced by a high sodium
chloride diet. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology &
, 2002;87:2008-2012.

About the author

Jack Challem, known as
The Nutrition Reporter(tm), is a personal nutrition coach based in
Tucson, Arizona. Jack is one of America's most trusted nutrition and
health writers, and has written about research on nutrition,
vitamins, minerals, and herbs for more than 30 years. He is the
author of The Food-Mood Solution: The Nutrition and Lifestyle
Plan to Feel Good Againem> (Wiley, 2007), Feed Your Genes Right

(Wiley, 2005), The Inflammation Syndrome (Wiley, 2003) and
the lead author of the best-selling Syndrome X: The Complete
Nutritional Program to Prevent and Reverse Insulin Resistance

(Wiley, 2000). His next book, Stop Prediabetes Now, will be
published in the fall of 2007. He writes The Nutrition
(tm) newsletter and contributes regularly to many
magazines, including Alternative Medicine, Better
, Body & Soul, Experience Life,
and Let's Live. Jack's scientific articles have appeared in
Free Radical Biology & Medicine, Journal of
Orthomolecular Medicine
, Medical Hypotheses, and other
journals. In addition, he is a columnist for Alternative &
Complementary Therapies
. Jack is a frequent speaker at
nutritional medicine conferences and to consumer health groups. Email
him via

In the interest of Science . . .

In the interest of Science, we had some wine this weekend. OK, a LOT of wine - and the readings for specific conductance and pH - off the charts!

Very acidic readings (compared to previous 5.25 vs 6-7 range, S/C readings to match).

Felt a lot better though, getting rehydated quickly, and taking a little baking soda to equilibrate the pH.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

So Who's Behind This Zeta Potential Conspiracy?

Yes this plot to keep your blood doing its proper job of nutrifying and detoxing, was brought to you by . . . yes, a WASTEWATER engineer.

Thomas Riddick (see 3/26/09 post for more info), frustrated by the lack of real "fixes" for his heart condition, started experimenting on himself with what he knew of wastewater treatment in the mid 1950's.

He said about heart disease, "I became more inclined to believe that the majority of serious cardiovascular disease [ except hypertension ] must stem primarily from intravascular coagulation."
In 1965, Dr. T.C. McDaniel had severe arrhythmias and PVC’s, with damage to the muscles of the heart, and was given less than 3 years to live. He quit his practice and devoted the next several years to research, including Zeta Potential.

Incorporating these principles into his own medical condition, and creating Zeta Aid to balance electrolytes in human blood, he spent the last 40 years successfully treating 20,000 patients. He has dissolved kidney stones (within an office setting) in 2 days, cleared blocked arteries and veins in limbs that would have required amputation, reversed arteriosclerosis, and many other diseases and degenerative conditions.

By understanding the importance of the balance of electrolytes in human blood, and extending the Zeta Potential concepts proposed by Riddick, no patient who stayed on his regimen has had Alzheimer’s, or other cardiovascular incidents. Some of these patients had already had triple bypasses, and were not deemed suitable for any additional cardiovascular intervention. He and his two sisters, ages 97 and 81, are all healthy, alert and do not have cardiovascular problems, except the doctor still has a damaged heart.

The remaining 5 members of his family, who did not follow this protocol, are deceased, two having died from complications of cardiovascular conditions, and alzheimers or have been beggared by medical expenses.

He's alive today at age 93.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


For the first day of the study I saw normal numbers. My Ph stayed within the normal range through out the day with the highest reading being 7.0 and lowest of 6.0. The conductivity tests came in at a steady 10.22 to 10.85 at the highest. I also checked my s/c at random times during the day and got a 2.21 as a lowest reading. This was after drinking about 40 oz's during a 3 hour time period.

My daily water consumption is about 40-60 oz per day and this has been increased to 90 oz+ for the study. Although this is a lager amount I haven't noticed any side effects of bloating, this could be due to the fact that i dont drink water enough on a regular basis, and my body processing the liquid more efficiently. My readings this morning were higher for s/c @ 19.88 but ph remaining at 7.0. I have found increased energy while surfing and i am able to maintain my body heat even when just sitting in out in the cold California surf line ups.

After eating a meal my numbers go way up (17.32) but shortly after they return to normal, for me thats in the 10.20 range. I was told that it normal for the numbers to go up after meal and its nothing to worry about. The noticable benifits so far have been increased energy, focus, and less muscle pains.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

OK Drink a LOT of Water, Then What Are Crystals For?

Good question!!! Well, its pretty intuitive that if you drink enough water things should flow easily. But you can have two equal flow rates and one person's blood circulation system can be holding more in the blood than the other (that's affected by eating less processed foods, aluminum, high zeta, etc.).

The difference? Zeta Potential. The crystals solution keep the blood in a state where particles repel each other better (zeta potential higher- more electronegative), thus carry more good stuff into the body like nutrition and oxygen, AND more stuff out, like toxins.

So this dispersing solution added to the water helps to nutrify and detoxify the body. So many ailments could be traced to "plugged plumbing".

So what does 12,000 microsiemens mean to me?

Another great question! If there is a lot of stuff being dumped into the urine, specific conductivity will be high, like over 12,000 microsiemens.

The number 12,000 tells us that the blood is not overloaded and is working at its best capacity as a transportation system. Anything over that number tells us the excess is being dumped into the kidneys and urine and can over time "back up" the whole body.

The kidney can only do so much for so long - thus we see stuff like kidney failure, stones, etc.